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We have two bus routes on offer from September 2024
Southfields and Fulham Shuttle Bus

Prep School Holiday Club

Holiday Club is a new and pioneering initiative at Hurlingham School. It looks to create a dynamic and fun environment for your children, over the holiday periods. The vision of the programme is to allow your child to further flourish in a familiar and happy setting, allowing them to learn and experience new things while challenging their inquisitive minds.

Students can select to come in either the morning or afternoon (or both), with additional options for early drop off and after club provision.

Across the year we have plans to offer an eclectic range of fun activities and exciting experiences, tailored to particular year groups. Below is an example of what a day looked like in our Summer 2023 Holiday Club (timetable based on number of signups).

Year GroupLOWER SCHOOL: Reception/Year 1+2UPPER SCHOOL: Years 3+4+5+6
Morning Session 1 9-9:45amFloor is LavaHandball
Morning Session 2 10-10:45amRelay RacesQuiz Race
Morning Session 3 11-11:45amQuiz RaceTarget races Nerf guns
LUNCH 12-1
Afternoon Session 1 
Water NetballWater Netball
Afternoon Session 2 
Boom BallFun Archery
Afternoon Session 3 
Fun ArcheryBoom Ball


There will be many activities on offer throughout the holiday periods. These will be age appropriate and vary from week-to-week. The aim is to allow the students to experience games and situations that they may never have experienced before, which will hopefully engage both their bodies and their minds. Whether it be flying down the Dance and Drama in Human Bowling, navigating various obstacle courses or channelling their inner James Bond on the top floor with the nerf guns, there is something for everyone. The morning sessions run from 9am-12pm throughout the week. All students are different and some will want to run around all day while others like to draw and design. This programme tries to cater for all and there is a huge variety of different options that will run throughout the week. 

Typical Holiday Club Day

Drop off8.15-9.00
Morning Workshop9.00-12.00
Afternoon Workshop13.15-16.00

Future club dates

October half-term 2023 : 16/10/2023 – 20/10/2023

Christmas 2023 : 18/12/2023 – 21/12/2023

Easter 2024 : 28/03/2024 and then 02/04/2024 – 05/04/2024

Summer 2024 : Week 1 = 08/07/2024 – 12/07/2024, Week 2 = 15/07/2024 – 19/07/2024

“We love having the Holiday Club in the week after term ends – it’s a great fun start to the holidays in a familiar location with familiar faces.”

“The children have been to lots of holiday camps but they said this was the best one ever!”

“Great sense of fun and a safe learning environment.”

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