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January 22nd 2025

ISI Inspection 2022

Our most recent Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) inspection took place in February 2022 and we are delighted to have been awarded excellent in all categories. 

The ISI report is published in two parts: compliance and educational quality. 

The focused compliance reviews school procedures, policies and processes against the standards in order to ascertain if they are met. We are very pleased to report that every single standard was met at both the Prep School and the Nursery. 

The second part of the report focuses upon the educational quality and this in turn is categorised in two parts; the quality of pupils’ academic outcomes and the quality of their personal development, each of which has various sub categories. We are exceedingly proud to inform you that we were graded ‘excellent’, the highest possible grading, in each of these areas.

The report is testament to the hard work that goes on at Hurlingham on a daily basis. It highlights some fabulous achievements and recognises our intent across the curriculum to educate the whole child and to provide a stimulating environment which supports our pupils to be the best they can possibly be. The inspecting team were overwhelmingly impressed with the attitudes to learning and the positivity that pervades every classroom and learning activity. They were taken by the pupils’ courtesy, confidence and independence but also their resilience, moral development, and inclusivity. Our pupils are what defines our school, and we couldn’t be prouder of the of the progress they make. 

Naturally, we will use this strong validation as a springboard to be even better. We will build on our strengths and continue to identify areas for development. We remain determined to do all we can in the best interests of our pupils and the entire school community.

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