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January 22nd 2025

Year 3 To Year 6

By the time children reach the age of seven, they are ready to leave Lower School behind them, and they move up into the increasing demands and challenges of Hurlingham life in Years 3 and 4. They still have class teachers, but discover that increasing numbers of subject specialist staff and facilities become available to them: for example, they produce their art in a specialist studio, taught by professional artists; their Science is taught in a lab with Bunsen burners; they are guided in their Drama by former stars of professional theatres, including the West End. In Year 4, they begin their Latin studies, guided by a trilingual classicist.

In Years 3 and 4, each curriculum subject has its own specific half-termly topic and children come to appreciate the demands of a timetable. Every day will include elements of Mathematics and English, accompanied by a wide range of other disciplines selected from Science, Computing, History, Geography, Modern Languages, Physical Education and Games, RPE (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics),PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education), Music, Drama, Art, Critical Thinking and Citizenship.

All children at Hurlingham, whatever their age, enjoy a wide variety of learning experiences outside the classroom. Never is this more apparent, however, than during Year 4: they are always heading out somewhere or other! Recent visits have included Buckingham Palace, the National Gallery, Bentley Priory Museum, Brooklands Museum, the British Museum, the Royal Courts of Justice, Chelsea Football Club, Pevensey Castle and Battle Abbey… the list seems endless!

At Hurlingham, the end of Year 4 feels like the end of Year 6 in many other schools: children are aware that they are coming to the end of their school lives characterised by one predominant classroom and teacher. They become very interested and excited at the prospect of what lies ahead in Upper School. – For this they are moving to Y5 and 6 as they are already in Upper School. In Years 5 and 6 they still have form teachers who have a close pastoral relationship with their form, they teach them personal development, PSHEE and other subjects. The Y5 and 6 teachers also teach the English and Maths in their year groups.

Between the ages of nine and eleven, Hurlingham children practise all the skills they’ll need for their senior school lives. Not only do we provide them with individualised, personalised education that prepares them thoroughly for whatever entrance examinations they are destined to sit, we also give them a school experience that mirrors the challenges that they’ll encounter once they’re living the next stage of their education.

The provision which we put in place, which ensures that every child gives of the best of their ability through encountering a carefully-engineered blend of challenge and support, was recently recognised and celebrated by the National Association for Able Children in Education through the award of their very prestigious NACE Challenge Award.

All subjects in Upper School are taught by subject specialist expert teachers, and children have access to all of Hurlingham’s remarkable facilities: the Science lab, the Music suites, the Art and Design Technology workshop, the Drama halls, the Dance studio and the Gym.

Hurlingham grows up with the children. It’s now indistinguishable from the best practice in secondary education, combined with the nurturing pastoral care which keeps a close eye on every child and provides support whenever necessary.

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